For July and August, I am taking a break from writing a blog. I am…
Welcome to the Modern Orgonomy Method
“Why Modern Orgonomy?”

Modern Orgonomy is an outgrowth of the current therapeutic call to harness the power of Character work and Biophysical Interventions in these treacherous modern times. Character work is a distinctive, enlivened form of therapy that softens and dismantles the rigidified armoring born from coping strategies due to chronic misattunement, neglect and/or trauma and adversity. Biophysical Interventions work directly with the body to dissolve blockages from head to the pelvis while vitalizing respiration. As our capacity to sustain increased respiratory expansion builds, long-suppressed emotions can make their way to the surface to be worked through and resolved.
We have historically defined Orgonomy as the full field of Reich’s therapeutic work inclusive of Character Analysis and Biophysical Interventions. Reich’s Character types masterfully concentrated on the post-Oedipal neurotic presentation. Modern Orgomomy updates Reich’s character typology to include the pre-Oedipal stage of development, referenced by Reich as the “Oral Character”. We now understand the nature of the Oral Character through research in developmental psychology delineated by Masterson and his extensive work on Disorders of the Self. In tune with James Masterson’s seminal work, Modern Orgonomy embraces the full spectrum of Character Development and Attachment through all stages of development.
Modern Orgonomy integrates Jungian Psychology and Mindfulness to access the rich terrain of the personal and collective subconscious; a fundamental therapeutic means to facilitate the emergence of the real self. Bridging Character work with Jungian Depth work provides a comprehensive therapeutic process that takes one from the false armored self to the spontaneous and creative expression that is the real self.