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Dr. Joanna Fassl LMFT, DC

Dr. Joanna Fassl LMFT, DC is an Accredited Orgonomist, Licensed Psychotherapist #139466 and Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic #31991 with over two and a half decades of working with clients. She is trained and specializes in Dr Frisch’s Modern Orgonomy, an innovative method of Somatic Psychotherapy that powerfully works to dissolve resistances impeding one’s capacity to love and live fully. Joanna’s style is deep, engaging, creative and enlightening.

Therapy with Joanna is an enlivened experience that rebuilds the essential self from the ground up. Orgonomy works directly with the worn out and tired aspects/defenses of the facade that keep one frozen and trapped in a chronic stress response. Joanna sheds light on the styles of interaction, coping mechanisms and defensive structures that many erroneously identify as immovable parts of self. As the multiple layers of this facade are skillfully worked through, access opens to adequately face and work though unresolved hurt, macro and microtraumas and chronic misattunment that leave one a stranger to their own self. When open and unchained, clients can more fully experience their freedom, pleasure, assertive agency, and most profoundly love and intimacy. A newfound stable center that is adaptive, responsive and discerning emerges.

Due to her extensive experience in working with the body as a Performance Artist, Pilates teacher and Chiropractor, Joanna is uniquely positioned to assess and attune to the language of the soma/body. She is educated in neurology, nutrition and physiology in a way that enables her to guide the path of healing from a grander holistic lens. She can provide physical and mindfulness tips, tools and skills to help bolster the psychological work we do. If and when it is time to engage in Orgonomic biophysical work, her background as a physical health practitioner adds a layer of specificity as well as masterful nurturance. Subtle cues in session will address your body to assist you in understanding yourself and learning how to recalibrate your nervous system to a balanced and sovereign state.

In addition to working with Orgonomy, Joanna also draws from Attachment Theory, Internal Family Systems, Bowen Family Therapy and Jungian Depth Psychology. She imbues her sessions with both the intricacies of the material world and the richness of the poetic/dream/spirit world. In this way, metaphorically digging in the dirt is a practice in alchemy proving that the greatest golden riches are at once intangible and wholly felt & seen.

Olivia Parrish, RN

Olivia Parrish, RN, received Accreditation as Orgonomist in Dr. Patricia Frisch’s Method/Modern Orgonomy in 2011 after a 4-year program with Dr. Frisch, and continued with trainings until 2022.

In partnership with a colleague Orgonomist, she developed and opened San Marin Psychotherapy Offices in Novato, CA, designed to accommodate the needs of Orgonomic practice. Olivia has been in private practice since.

Olivia first discovered Reichian therapy in 1973, when the work was newly emerging in CA. She was profoundly impressed and moved by her experience. The honest and engaged nature of the verbal therapy, combined with the systematic and powerful somatic work, made perfect sense to her. The approach connected to her desire to find a lively way to work therapeutically with how we talk and literally move in life. She studied and practiced under the mentorship of Dr. Phillip Curcuruto from 1974-77.

Throughout her 35-year career as RN, she gained an intimate medical/emotional awareness of mind/body. Symptoms may include anxiety, depression, chronic pain, insomnia, or broken relationships — the spectrum of our functioning. Olivia works actively and consistently with her clients, developing a deep understanding of who they are and how they function, or get in their own way in defensive patterns that may not even be evident to them.

Olivia worked in Hospice in her most recent 16 years as an active RN. She brings a wealth of compassion and experience of a person’s need to “work through” in order to let go. This is a template for all of us at any stage: to let go, over and over, to reveal our true freedom and vitality of living. Working in Hospice with families enriched Olivia’s contactfulness with partners and family systems. She offers expertise in grief counseling.

In her practice as an Orgonomist, Olivia brings her clients to discover themselves. The benefits include lasting change and resolution of lifelong or situational issues and an improved sense of well-being, intimacy, and creativity.

“Psychic illnesses are the result of a disturbance in the natural capacity to love.” -Wilhelm Reich

Additional Therapists coming soon……..

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