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Online Coaching Group Training in Dr. Frisch’s Method Starting October 26, 2018!
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Dr. Frisch’s book event, at Book Passage, is now on video.

Whole Therapist, Whole Patient: Integrating Reich, Masterson, and Jung in Modern Psychotherapy

Dr. Patricia Frisch’s Book is Available for Purchase!
Order your copy from the publisher , at Book Depository or on !

The Method of Modern Orgonomy provides training to professionals and students in Wilhelm Reich’s Orgonomic Therapy and Dr. Patricia Frisch’s Innovative Method: Integrating Reich, Masterson and Jung. MMO also offers public workshops, private practice consultation, and therapy services.

Reichian Therapy (Orgonomic Therapy): Dr. Frisch’s Model

Our therapy model is very active and engages the client in a process of transformation that is palpable after the first session. Dr. Frisch’s unique synthesis utilizes the principles and techniques of Wilhelm Reich updated with complimentary theoreticians. As the father of somatic psychology, Reich created a mind/body discipline that incorporates biophysical interventions through breath, direct manipulation, and physical expression. This biophysical work is paired with verbal analysis and is contained within a strong, spirited relationship between client and therapist. The result is profound character transformation and significantly lower levels of stress, muscular contraction, and physical and psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Dr. Frisch helps with relationship issues and supports transformative, transcendental objectives when applicable.

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Announcing the 2019 Schedule of Live Classes Now Available.

SAGE Encyclopedia with Dr. Frisch’s Chapter
on Orgonomy, Now Available!

The 1200-page, two-volume Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy has just been published and includes a chapter written by Dr. Patricia Frisch on Orgonomy (Reichian Therapy)

As a compliment to the Encyclopedia, SAGE Publications Ltd., through their SAGE Video collection, has published a video titled Orgonomy, in which Dr. Frisch introduces the audience to various aspects of this powerful form of therapy. Please see a clip of the Orgonomy video here.

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