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Online Coaching for Healthcare & Mental Health Professionals

Dr. Patricia Frisch, Founder of Modern Orgonomy, has created her own unique method that integrates current attachment theory, Masterson Disorders of the Self and Jung’s approach to the unconscious while maintaining the integrity of Reich’s theories.She has integrated preoedipal, Disorders of the Self (personality disorders) with Reich’s character typology to create a comprehensive typology that includes both neurotic and early attachment disorders. Her method makes character analysis immediately relevant to present day psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Dr Frisch’s coaching program teaches students and professional therapists the nuts and bolts of clinical process from A to Z.The program’s detailed progression from theory to practice makes the Orgonomic Method highly practical and usable. The program delineates key guiding features: from the important points of the first phone call to what to do in the first session: what to ask, guidelines on important paper work; to figuring out the character of the client so interventions make sense; to the stages of therapy: beginning, middle and termination; bodywork and dream analysis. Her course discusses critical elements of Reichian Orgonomic therapy and her own unique method — theory to practice.

Dr Frisch’s integrated method is offered via distance learning either in a group setting or through independent study. Students can follow a course curriculum that provides the opportunity to advance from Introductory modules through Advanced modules, incorporating Somatic Biophysical interventions along the way.

These MP3 Classes study groups cover extensive theoretical material while facilitating experiential integration through listening to animated clinical discussions and practice dyads. The recordings of live classes, which include case presentations and question/answer periods, give the student an experience of being in class rather than just cognitively absorbing didactic presentations.  All recorded classes and study groups have an ample experiential component where Dr. Frisch coaches mock therapeutic dyads.

Dr. Frisch’s program offers clinicians a path towards deep and enduring compassion. Reich described humans in terms of three core emotions – love, anxiety and aggression. Compassion is an manifestation of love. For its true expression, it requires a medium in which to grow. Dr Frisch’s synthesis of the works of Wilhelm Reich, Masterson, and Jung provides such a medium. This is not a paint by number enterprise; it requires much of practitioners. The learning process itself is as much a caldron as a learning environment. As wounded healers, our strength lies in our capacity to heal and grow  ourselves. No perfection is required, but rigorous honesty and humility are. This allows us to provide our patients with a life-enhancing medium in which they can grow in compassion and personal integrity, therefore discovering their true selves. Dr. Frisch’s synthesis provides the theoretical frame in which to do such work.
— Susan A.
My experience of the Coaching Program facilitated by Dr. Frisch is unparalleled to any other therapeutic training I have received thus far. Her energetic vibrancy and intellectual brilliance are contagious within classes; this allows her particular well of knowledge and experience to be conveyed easefully, with exactness, and with a unique articulation of her mastered skills. Through coaching, she demonstrates a unique ability to articulate specific theoretical models, while simultaneously being able to integrate her personal method, without sacrificing the integrity of either. I am learning the concepts of ‘character’ and ‘personality’ – in their biophysical-expressions and the intrapsychic structures. I feel the most learning comes through the method of coaching classes themselves. Dr. Frisch uses a structured curriculum along with an ability to fluidly respond to the particular class and its members – as they present themselves – personally in each class. Along with the theoretical understandings that I am gaining, I am experiencing my own personal-growth heightening. If I could pick one area of learning from the coaching that is most significant to me as a counselor, it would be the centrality of what Wilhelm Reich calls contact. Again, and again, Dr. Frisch demonstrates this most essential therapeutic process of embodied relating self and other. Personally, I am learning that being in contact is what allows the unfolding of the therapeutic process at the deepest levels. This aspect of Dr. Frisch’s Method not only illumines the character-structures and defense-mechanisms of the patient but enables one to simultaneously touch that which is most real and alive within the person moment by moment. In that vein, I look forward to continued participation in the further levels of coaching offered by Dr. Frisch and the MMO.
— Brian Buczynski
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