Online Coaching for Healthcare & Mental Health Professionals
Dr. Patricia Frisch, Founder of Modern Orgonomy, has created her own unique method that integrates current attachment theory, Masterson Disorders of the Self and Jung’s approach to the unconscious while maintaining the integrity of Reich’s theories.She has integrated preoedipal, Disorders of the Self (personality disorders) with Reich’s character typology to create a comprehensive typology that includes both neurotic and early attachment disorders. Her method makes character analysis immediately relevant to present day psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Dr Frisch’s coaching program teaches students and professional therapists the nuts and bolts of clinical process from A to Z.The program’s detailed progression from theory to practice makes the Orgonomic Method highly practical and usable. The program delineates key guiding features: from the important points of the first phone call to what to do in the first session: what to ask, guidelines on important paper work; to figuring out the character of the client so interventions make sense; to the stages of therapy: beginning, middle and termination; bodywork and dream analysis. Her course discusses critical elements of Reichian Orgonomic therapy and her own unique method — theory to practice.
Dr Frisch’s integrated method is offered via distance learning either in a group setting or through independent study. Students can follow a course curriculum that provides the opportunity to advance from Introductory modules through Advanced modules, incorporating Somatic Biophysical interventions along the way.
These MP3 Classes study groups cover extensive theoretical material while facilitating experiential integration through listening to animated clinical discussions and practice dyads. The recordings of live classes, which include case presentations and question/answer periods, give the student an experience of being in class rather than just cognitively absorbing didactic presentations. All recorded classes and study groups have an ample experiential component where Dr. Frisch coaches mock therapeutic dyads.