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Online Coaching for Mental Health Professionals

Introductory Series

MMO’s 6-course introductory MP3 training series is designed for new students who want to learn character analysis. This series can be preparatory for classes in Reich’s somatic interventions. These courses will cover the theoretical and clinical approach of Wilhelm Reich and his somatic techniques. The Masterson Group’s delineation of the Disorders of the Self will also be included in order to represent later research in developmental attachment theory and round out Reich’s diagnostic typology. These training courses are rich with information, include non-confidential discussion and experiential coaching to hear the approach in action, and allow students to self-pace and deepen their learning to the point of mastery. These courses facilitate your entry into more advanced classes that include Reich’s biophysical interventions.

Learning Dr. Frisch’s Method in a Progressive Structured Format with MP3’s

Audio: 6 MP3 Courses 1-1/2 hour
Live Coaching: 8 sessions | 6 courses, 1 review session &1 wrap up session

Objectives of Live Coaching Sessions:

The series you are joining is designed to deepen your understanding of Dr. Frisch’s method provided through the affiliated Audio MP3 Series by:

  • Offering you an opportunity for in-depth discussion, Q&A, and experiential dyads.
  • Providing feedback from Orgonomic Therapists / colleagues.
  • Helping you integrate and apply this material into your current practice.
  • Each live session is purchased for $170 per section of the curriculum

Dr Frisch encourages you to bond with the members of your group. If you continue together it becomes a meaningful committed group that is both rewarding and supportive and after 8 sessions you will have greater understanding and potentially more interest in these topics and the Method. Group Coaching depends on participation and your preferred schedule. One-to-one coaching is available for students who prefer to move at their own pace.

Licensed psychologists, MFTs, psychiatrists, LCSWs, counselors, nurses, physicians, physical therapists, and other professionals.

I have been training with Dr Frisch now for more than 2 years. She has a strength of frame and depth of perspective that I have not seen elsewhere. Her training provides a multilevel (MP3s, Group Supervision, Demos, Classes) that are rich and supportive and suits the lives of busy, budding therapists. She’s especially good with helping me organize my work with difficult clients. She also models wide open awareness, clarity and compassion, whilst having clear and strong boundaries, which I think is one of the most important capacities for a therapist.
— A.P.

When you purchase a course, you will be sent a confirmation email with a link to an MP3 Player page. This page allows you to listen to and to download the MP3 files.

Partially or fully complete reading the book.
Listen to each assigned MP3 course and complete the homework before attending the webinar.

Welcome Email to Kickoff Group Coaching
Our kickoff email will describe your member portal, program format (Zoom conference tool, assignments, expectations and participation etc.), contact list of attendees, course objectives and case presentation format will be provided and explained.

The Introductory MP3 Training Series

1. An Orientation on Breaking through Resistance and Integrating Somatic Psychology into Current Therapeutic Paradigms (2 parts).

An Orientation on Breaking through Resistance
Reich is the master of working with resistance and it is a core concept to his clinical approach. Therapists who do not know how to recognize resistance at its most subtle level and approach it skillfully will see patients sabotage their progress, drop out prematurely, and continue their unrewarding pattern of resistance to life and others. This course is an edited recording of a 2-hour orientation training.
Time: 1:40
Integrating Somatic Psychology into Current Therapeutic Paradigms provides an overview of Dr. Frisch’s method based in part on Reich’s theoretical and clinical approach including characteranalysis and a description of the elements of Reich’s biophysical theory and practice. Reich’s understanding of character and its template in the body will be presented. Many psychodynamic approaches can incorporate some aspects of Reich’s techniques which will enliven and deepen long term or short term treatment. The orientation will include an experiential demonstration of characteranalytic verbal work.
Time: 1:47
Price for both MP3s: $115

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Purchase Live Coaching Session – Buy Now

2. Fundamentals of Wilhelm Reich & Masterson’s Setting the Frame.
In this course, an edited recording of a half-day introductory training, Dr Frisch discusses Reich’s critical concept of contact, the 3 layers of defense, and other basics of Orgonomy. Dr Frisch will cover the basic nuts and bolts of clinical practice, creating and holding the therapeutic frame, and give details on how to conduct 1st and 2nd session patient interviews. Students will learn how to set up the therapeutic relationship so it can succeed. Role-play with coaching demonstrating the therapeutic work in action is included.
Time: 2:44
Price: $120

Purchase MP3s: Buy Now
Purchase Live Coaching Session: Buy Now

3. Introduction to Diagnosis: Orgonomy and Characteranalysis – Working with Presenting Style, an Inroad into Defense.
This course, an edited recording of a half-day introductory training, delineates Reich’s theory and stages of character development, and discusses how trauma leads to blocks creating repressed or unsatisfied zones. Dr Frisch discusses the development of muscular and character armoring and other orgonomic concepts. She outlines Reich’s diagnostic typology and delineates many of his character types. There is discussion between the lectures and an experiential portion, which includes Dr Frisch coaching a dyadic role-play.
Time: 3:05
Price: $120*

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Purchase Live Coaching Session – Buy Now

4. Introduction to Diagnosis: Disorders of the Self.
This course, an edited recording of a half-day introductory training, gives you the basics of developmental self/object relations from James Masterson’s perspective. Reich’s diagnostic focus fit his times with an emphasis on the oedipal phase of development and accompanying, related neurotic impairments. Research in attachment issues and related preoedipal dysfunction adds greatly to the typology of character diagnosis. This provides students a breadth of knowledge in character structure/defenses, which allows their clinical work to be truly discriminating. An introduction to theory and a discussion of Narcissistic Character disorder is also included.
Time: 2:56
Price: $120*

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5. Reich’s Diagnostic Categories Part 2: Schizophrenia and the Anal Character.
This course, an edited recording of a half-day introductory training, completes Reich’s diagnostic typology so students are armed with all the character structures they will need to accurately assess patients. This course also includes a discussion of schizophrenia from Dr. Mahler’s object relations point of view, to better understand the etiology and inherent nature of this patient.
Time: 2:38
Price: $120*

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Purchase Live Coaching Session – Buy Now

6. The Difficult Patient: Managing Acting Out.
This course,  an edited recording of an introductory full-day training, discusses Reich’s foundational concepts of resistance, transference neurosis and latent negative transference. Dr. Frisch delineates the stratification of the layers of defense. The Disorder of the Self diagnoses of Borderline and Schizoid will be completed.
Time: 5:11
Price: $200*

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Purchase Live Coaching Session – Buy Now

7. Final Introductory Series Review Session

  • Review Introductory Courses 1-6 and prepare a presentation on a theoretical topic of interest that pertains to one or more of the courses.
  • Case supervision

Purchase Live Coaching Session: Buy Now

8. Final Introductory Series Wrap-up Session

  • Wrap-up Introductory Courses 1-6
  • Case supervision

Purchase Live Coaching Session: Buy Now

Bundled MP3 Packages: Introductory Training Series Discount Packages

  • Intro Package A will be Courses 1, 2, & 3 and the package price will be $305 ($50 discount)

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  • Intro Package B will be Sessions 4, 5, & 6 and the package price will be $365 ($75 discount)

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Start Date: TBA
Price Introductory Level Webinar Groups: $125 per session or $1,000 paid in full (does not include Courses).

Purchase Introductory Level Webinar Groups – Buy Now and you will be paid in full or you can purchase them individually under each session.

Included in this option:
  • Handouts
  • Each group mentoring webinar will be on topic of course listened to
  • Access to Dr. Frisch’s exclusive membership area that includes bonus resources and private course materials

This option is a stand-alone option and/or designed for professionals who are training in Dr. Frisch’s method.

Partial Scholarships are available.

Standards for Accreditation in Orgonomy through the Group Coaching Series:

The Introductory Group Coaching Series is comprised of 8 webinars.

Intermediate and Advanced levels are available as well and are comprised of 8 webinars.

Certification will be offered after completion of each module: Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced.  Also, upon completion of the Coaching program, Joanna Fassl, DC, LMFT and/or Olivia Parrish RB  will issue a Diploma – Certificate of Completion to display showing that you have completed the MMO courses in character analysis.

For Certification as an Orgonomist  through MMO in Character Analysis, the student must complete all the didactic audio material offered: Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced level as well as engage in 1 year (6 sessions) of consistent tele-health clinical supervision by a qualified Orgonomist.

Over the past ten or more years, it has been a privilege to work with Dr. Frisch in many capacities. As my therapist, she sees my core issues and names them with penetrating clarity while holding a vision that calls me to my highest good. Doing the biophysical work with her has liberated me from my body’s contracted defenses of hiding in fear, or reactive anger. This liberation allows my soul – and humor – to arise spontaneously; it just happens! As a trainer, Dr. Frisch presents her theoretical orientation in an extensive and intelligent manner. As a mentor, she guides my work as a therapist, always inspiring me to trust my instincts, track the function of a patient’s defenses, and hone my interventions to be concise and on the mark. This fusion of therapist, trainer and mentor results in my personal and professional growth that is deeply transparent as well as liberating.

Dr. Frisch’s masterful blending of theoretical orientations provides therapists with a sophisticated, comprehensive & clear model of understanding character development, what happens when that development is impaired, and how to work with the resultant defensive structures in both mind and body. She is a leading expert in the work of Wilhelm Reich as well as more recent psychological wisdom arising from studies in early childhood development, particularly that of James Masterson. This fusion is enhanced within the symbolic and soulful orientation of Carl Jung. With this blend of orientations, Dr. Frisch’s thorough yet elegant model tracks & heals the expression of the Self. It is an exciting development that her book is being published so that others may profit from this sophisticated alchemy. It is my hope that many therapists will benefit from Dr. Frisch’s functional model of therapeutic healing, one that embraces the shadow and sets soul free in a way that is deeply rooted in the body.

— Diane Harnish
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