Breaking Through Patient Resistance/Integrating Somatic Psychology into Current Therapeutic Paradigms – Audio MP3
Intro Course #1A: An Orientation on Breaking Through Resistance
Reich is the master of working with resistance and it is a core concept to his clinical approach. Therapists who do not know how to see resistance at its most subtle level and approach it skillfully will see patients sabotage their progress, drop out prematurely, and continue their unrewarding pattern of resistance to life and others.
Intro Course #1B: Integrating Somatic Psychology into Current Therapeutic Paradigms
This audio class provides an overview of Reich’s theoretical and clinical approach including characteranalysis and a description of the elements of Reich’s biophysical theory and practice. Reich’s understanding of character and its template in the body will be presented. Many psychodynamic approaches can incorporate Reich’s techniques which will enliven and deepen long term or short term treatment. The orientation will include an experiential demonstration of characteranalytic verbal work. Time: 1:47 (1.5 hrs CE credit)